In it was transferred to ATV. It has gained a considerably large fan base in Turkey since. Although it is set in modern-day Istanbulfilming also took place in North CyprusCroatiaand England. Betrayed by his trusted friends and the woman he loved, Ömer Uçar returns as Ezel to exact his vengeance. In in Istanbul, Turkey, Ömer Uçar Ismail Filiz and his family lived a comfortable lower middle-class life, until one day his life was changed forever. Ömer had two best friends that he had known for years, Ali and Cengiz. Serdar devises the whole scheme, and figures that it will require four people to pull off a successful robbery. Cengiz was up first in the plot The Last Casino Deadly Betrayal rob the casino, he was the mole and was working there in order to gain access. Ali comes into play next as the ruthless killer on the night of the The Last Casino Deadly Betrayal. The third accomplice is Eyşan Cansu Derethe skilled con-woman who manipulates men for their money as a career and this time her victim would be Ömer. In Serdar's plan, Ömer would be the fourth person to complete the job. Ömer is blamed for the robbery by way of implanting false evidence, misleading the police and ceasing all other investigations on the matter. Serdar's primary motive was the money, though his love for a good con also played a role. Eyşan's, Cengiz' and Ali's motives would be revealed later in the series. Ali and Cengiz at the time believed that Ömer would only get a few years in jail for stealing the money; however, the robbery went wrong and Ali had to shoot and kill the security guard. The same gun that was used in the robbery was pointed at Ömer by Cengiz just a few days before the crime. After having too many drinks, Cengiz, in a drunken state and wearing gloves, points the gun at Ömer, after which he manages to take the gun away from Cengiz only to leave his prints on the gun, sealing his fate. Further evidence to implicate Ömer to the crime is a jacket that he had previously worn which was also dumped with the gun ensuring the police a swift arrest. Inwhen Ömer was blamed for the crime, the commissar Mesut Akusta went to the prison cell where Ömer was in there for a couple hours. Whilst the chief commissar was inside the cell, he kept inquiring about the whereabouts of the money, even though Ömer kept denying having done the robbery. Because of his lack of cooperation, Ömer was beaten up for hours. Afterwards, during Ömer's trial, the judge showed the picture of the murder weapon used in the robbery, a gun, and a picture of a similarly related jacket. Although Ömer was still insisting that he was innocent, a witness was called to the stand. That witness was revealed to be Eyşan, who falsely testified that it was Ömer who robbed the casino and murdered the security guard. Eyşan's testimony was to re-establish the evidence and accusations, cementing her betrayal. The plan worked successfully and all the while Ali, Cengiz, Serdar and Eyşan got away with murder and millions of dollars. Ömer went to jail for the crime he didn't commit the day after he proposed to Eyşan. During his incarceration, Ömer had some very hard times, being beaten almost daily by the chief prison warden who was convinced that Ömer had indeed committed the crime, and wanted to know the exact whereabouts of the money. His family was even threatened, and so his hatred for his old friends grew for what they had done to him. Ömer's only luck was to be taken under the wing of Ramiz Karaeski referred to as Uncle Ramiz, played by Tuncel Kurtizonce a powerful mafia type figure who treated Ömer like one of his sons and offered him some protection while imprisoned. InÖmer had his face badly cut by the chief warden with two other guards by using a riot in the prison as an excuse to beat Ömer, so he The Last Casino Deadly Betrayal tell where the money was. Ömer pretended to tell him, so that when the warden dismissed the other guards, a fight to the death meant the head warden was killed. With help from Ramiz, it was made known that Ömer had died but his face was unrecognisable, when actually Ömer escaped the jail and had full plastic surgery. Ömer Uçar then changes his name to Ezel Bayraktar meaning "eternity" in Turkish Kenan İmirzalıoğluand returns to get his revenge, unknown to his previous friends, Eyşan and Cengiz who are now married and have a sonand Ali who is head of security at Cengiz's hotel The once simple boy becomes a man exceptionally skilled at gambling, reading people, and fighting, and has considerably high class in society. Eyşan's motive for framing Ömer was to save her sister Bahar's life. Serdar explained to Eyşan that Bahar was terminally ill and would need expensive treatment out of the country at better medical facilities, such as in England. The money would be the only way to pay for that treatment. A torn Eyşan ultimately chose to send her love to what she thought would be a short prison sentence in exchange for her sister's recovery. Cengiz went along with the plan because he fell in love with Eyşan the moment he saw her, and he would do anything she asked. Besides, Cengiz figured that with Ömer in prison he would have a clear path to winning Eyşan's heart. Ali's motive was the big mystery. Like Eyşan, he greatly regretted sending Ömer to prison, and much later in the series it was revealed that he did so only at Eyşan's prodding. She reminded him that Ali's own father had gone to prison years earlier, having taken the blame for Ali's accidental fatal shooting of a young boy when Ali was a teenager.
Wealthy restaurant owner Özgür prefers casual dating to serious relationships. Meanwhile, Henry finds the book he needs and Cady gets legal advice. Sezon Season 4 5. After Henry overhears a disgruntled husband try to order a hit on his wife, Walt and the team must use what little information they have to prevent her murder. It is a comedy program prepared and presented by Sahan Gökbakar. Golden Butterfly Awards.
The Complete Series bölümleri (64)
Widowed only a year, Longmire is a man in psychic repair that buries his pain behind a brave face and dry wit. Spilotro made an error of his own, falling for his partner's wife, a troubled showgirl named Geri. Set in s Istanbul, it is a melodrama revolving around the Akarsu family whose patriarch, ship captain Ali (played by Erkan Petekkaya), who is married to. Step into Dana's shoes as she travels to a book. Struggling since his wife's death and at the. It would all lead to betrayal, a wide-ranging FBI. Tragedy strikes Dana Knightstone, the best-selling novelist with a gift for clairvoyance.June Wikimedia Commons Wikidata item. Sonor marries Bahar in the last scene. Osman returns to live with his mother because of Ali's inability to take care of the boy. Cemile Karcı now has legacy from Hikmet Karcı. Seoul International Drama Awards. Öyle Bir Geçer Zamanki has been dubbed in more than 30 languages. İsmail Filiz. He is determined to kill Cemile and then commit suicide, but his mother Hasefe, shoots him with the gun that Ahmet left at the house, crippling Ali and saving Cemile's life. Cemile aborts the baby and then she agrees to marry the Fisherman. Widowed only a year, Longmire is a man in psychic repair that buries his pain behind a brave face and dry wit. After finally getting plans to get married, Hakan tells Caroline to come to a hotel in İzmir , but also inviting someone else: his father, Ekram. She also signs a prenuptial agreement, where the term is that she will become rich only after Murat's death, who is ill with an incurable disease. When her partner in ownership of Harcı Triko A. Ş marries an untrustworthy and cunning man, she decides to involve herself in the management of the company. Ahmet, Murat and Sadi are actors who dream of shooting a movie and present a documentary called 'Meslek Hikayeleri' in order to make money. They produce an album which becomes successful. Wikidata item. At the same time, Vic's paranoia peaks when she suspects she is being stalked, forcing her to confide in Walt. The plan worked successfully and all the while Ali, Cengiz, Serdar and Eyşan got away with murder and millions of dollars. Sezon 1. Ali Akarsu is the patriarch of the family and works as a seaman and the captain of a ship. Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy. List activity. Applefan47 , Mete Akarsu, meanwhile, becomes famous thanks to his guitar playing, songwriting, and singing. A few days later he rapes Cemile. A murdered Russian adoptee leads Walt and the team to a shady underworld. Whether that liquid in the ring was poison or not. But Walt is not convinced by the circumstantial evidence and must find the real killer before someone else ends up dead. Yıldız Technical University. Canal 1.