Web Site of the Department. The Bachelor of Arts program gives rigorous instruction in the principal areas of philosophy. The department's target for undergraduate training is a well-balanced liberal arts education, and in consonance with such a target the program contains a high proportion of compulsory and unrestricted electives from related fields. Service courses are offered to students majoring in other disciplines, and double-major programs are conducted jointly with the departments of Economics, History, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Western Languages and Literature. Department electives should be taken from the Philosophy Department course offerings. An introduction to the techniques of philosophical analysis. The method and practice of analyzing philosophical texts. Scientific explanation, theory construction, the use of models, confirmation of hypotheses, and the status of theoretical entities all discussed within the context of examples from the history of science. Consideration of philosophical questions arising in scientific inquiry. The importance of method in scientific inquiry. Emphasis on hypothetical-deductive and statistical methods. Basic skills in evaluating scientific arguments by examining numerous concrete examples. Divergence of opinions on methodological issues. Philosophical problems arising in the context of determinism versus free will. Among topics likely to be covered are: the nature and range of human knowledge, determinism and free will, personal identity, truth, reference and meaning. Existentialism, and the relation between mind and body. Study of writings by philosophers such as Hegel, Mill, Nietzsche, and Heidegger. Deduction theorem, completeness theorem, compactness theorem, non-standard models of arithmetic, elementary structures, chains. Ontological presuppositions of different logical systems, justification of primitive inference rules and informativeness of logical propositions. Teleological and deontological theories, existentialism, etc. The phenomenological discovery of new philosophical problems. The issues of explanation, objectivity, interpretation, and determinism. Philosophical analysis of the methodology of history. Comparison between positivist and non-positivist approaches to society. Concepts of meaning, truth, identity, logical form, propositional attitudes, opacity of reference and predication. Topics covered will include meaning, reference, speech acts and relevant issues of contemporary descriptive linguistics. Some specific issues treated will include the analysis of action, the volitional theory, the identification of actions and events, intentional and contextual theories, and the explanation of action. The condition and ultimate units of existence. Identity, spatiotemporal continuity and change. Space and time. The problem of universals. Study of such questions as self-reference and indexicality, self-knowledge, the nature of the self, sympathy and identification with others in art and culture, isolation and social alienation from others, plasticity and historical constitution of the self, Wittgensteins Poker The Art Question the varieties of transcendence of the ego in ethics. Consideration of the question 'Who am I? Topics such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, etc. The rise and fall of logical positivism and ordinary language philosophy. The impact of Quine, sense and reference, the picture theory of language, the verifiability theory of meaning, the private language argument, speech acts, Gricean strictures, ontological relativity, radical translation, the Davidson-Dummett controversy about meaning, and the issue of whether the analytical tradition has come to an end. The relations between Aristotelian, neo-Platonic and Islamic philosophy with respect to ontological and epistemological questions. The influences of Islamic and Western thought on Turkish intellectual history. Emphasizing the relation between normative and descriptive theories of rational behavior. Readings from an interdisciplinary array covering Wittgensteins Poker The Art Question of psychology, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence.
Consideration of the questions whether progress in philosophy is possible and whether philosophy yields knowledge. The rise and fall of logical positivism and ordinary language philosophy. Consideration of the question 'Who am I? The work is to be carried out as an independent study under the direction of a faculty member. Views of philosophers from Plato onwards.
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Roy Harris's thoroughgoing attack on the presuppositions underpinning the dominant traditions of Western thought about language, and his advocacy of a. The artists will discuss their practices concerning Ludwig Wittgenstein's art, & ethnography, & questions the difference between seeing and. The basic thesis of Wittgenstein's late work Philosophical Investigations is the idea that the meaning of a word is its use in language. The aim of this thesis is to reveal the approach of Wittgenstein, which we believe to represent a fundamentally different perspective in philosophy, by.The problem of universals. However, the meaning of a sculpture is not limited to its spatial characteristics alone. II 2 3 17 32 Seventh Semester Cr. Scientific explanation, theory construction, the use of models, confirmation of hypotheses, and the status of theoretical entities all discussed within the context of examples from the history of science. Yavuz, Ö. English Turkish English. To achieve this, the study draws on the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein, J. Available mostly to seniors and subject to the consent of the instructor. Readings from an interdisciplinary array covering philosophy of psychology, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence. An introduction to the techniques of philosophical analysis. Web Site of the Department. Taylor offer a critical examination of various aspects and implications of Harris's views, in reponse to which Harris contributes an article that both engages with his critics and develops some of the major themes of his work. Space and time. The impact of Quine, sense and reference, the picture theory of language, the verifiability theory of meaning, the private language argument, speech acts, Gricean strictures, ontological relativity, radical translation, the Davidson-Dummett controversy about meaning, and the issue of whether the analytical tradition has come to an end. Service courses are offered to students majoring in other disciplines, and double-major programs are conducted jointly with the departments of Economics, History, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Western Languages and Literature. Philosophical analysis of the methodology of history. Tümünü görüntüle ». Scott Printing Co. Study of writings by philosophers such as Hegel, Mill, Nietzsche, and Heidegger. Bu kitaba önizleme yap ». Teleological and deontological theories, existentialism, etc. Deduction theorem, completeness theorem, compactness theorem, non-standard models of arithmetic, elementary structures, chains. Searle, who are some of the most important philosophers of language of the 20th century. The phenomenological discovery of new philosophical problems. While the former has received considerable attention in the literature, the latter has been largely overlooked. Abstract This study explores the complex relationship between the meaning of sculpture and its making process in the context of the philosophy of language. Issues of self-reference.