The Club boasts the best social facilities in Spain. The most distinguished social events in Madrid are held at the Club as it has two bars, two restaurants, four events halls, four private function rooms, one small ball-room and a large multi-functional room used as party room and discotheque, also for shows and performances. There is also a conference hall, normally used for lectures and debates, Berlin Casino Poker Rooms cinema for members. Apart from these rooms, there is also a Neo-Gothic style library containing 45, books, a splendid journal reading room, a gymnasium, a billiard room, indoor swimming pool, steam bath and sauna, barber, hairdresser, pedicure, Physiotherapist and a comfortable TV room. It offers vanguard cuisine and is considered one of the best restaurants in Madrid. The members restaurant, Recoletos offers more traditional food, which is excellent too. Service Charge of. Parking Does not have parking facilities. Password Forgot Password? Unfortunately, we do not provide access to our log-in and further benefits due to the agreement we have with your Club. Real Casino de Madrid Madrid, Spain. Call Sign In To Book. Sign In Register. City Club. Calle de Alcalá, 15 Madrid Spain. Amenities The Club boasts the Berlin Casino Poker Rooms social facilities in Spain. Age Restriction Children are not allowed in the city club; only in the country club. Opening Hours Monday am — am Tuesday am — am Wednesday am — am Thursday am — am Friday am — am Saturday am — am Sunday am — pm. Service Charge of Parking Does not have parking facilities. Sign in to book your visit Sign In Register. Explore our clubs. Close Welcome back! If you have already applied to register for a card, please sign in below. Don't have an account yet? Forgot your password? No problem. We'll send you an email to change it. E-Mail Address. Need help? First Name. Last Name. Wirtschaftsclub Stuttgart e. Yongfoo Elite. Already have an account? Sign In.
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