ABSTRACT Casinos are places where various gambling games are offered as a service to satisfy people's desire for pleasure, entertainment, and enrichment. The casino industry generates high revenues from these activities worldwide every year. Inregistered revenues from gambling activities worldwide totaled billion dollars. According to the development trends of the gambling industry in previous years, it is estimated that this economic size will reach billion dollars in Although Turkey has been among the top ten countries Casino In Goa the world in terms of the number of tourist arrivals for many years, it has never been in the top ten in terms of tourism revenues, and the banning of casinos in deprived it of this enormous income. In order to achieve the macro and micro-economic objectives, such as achieving the annual revenue of billion dollars targeted for Turkish tourism inspreading tourism activities all year round, providing additional employment throughout the country, and reducing income distribution differences between regions, casinos should be reopened. In this study, an application proposal is described to bring casinos back to tourism in a way that serves only foreign tourists without harming the social and economic structure of the Turkish people. In this context, an application that relates the regions where casinos should be opened, employment conditions, security and control procedures, and other principles with examples from around the world Casino In Goa proposed. Tuba Bağcı Bir kuruma bağlı değildir X Türkiye. Araştırma Makalesi. PDF Kütüphaneme Ekle ×. Araştırma Oluştur Kapat. Kaynakça Avcı, T. Banks, J. Benton, C. Bulatović, I. Social Sciences, 6 4, pp. Buultjens, J. Carter, Y. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. Christiansen, E. Eadington, W. Farmaki, A. Fiedor, D. Freud, S. Çev: Selâhattin Hîlav. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, 2. Grinols, E. Ibısworld Industrt Reports Kamat, K. Kang, S. Kaya, B. Lee, C. Leiper, N. Tourism and Gambling.
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